Through this app a user can easily find detailed listings on what to see and do in Uganda, relying on up-to-date descriptions of the best hotels, bars, clubs, shops and restaurants of all cuisines. The Uganda Guide App’s first release came in April 2013 with the Apple Version that is available for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. The release of the Android sequel is meant to satisfy the vast majority (80%) of local and regional smartphone users that utilize the Android Operating System on their devices. Not only does this release satisfy local and regional demand but it also implies that the new Uganda Guide App is now available to 90% of all smartphone users globally. The Uganda Guide App — released by the Pearl Guide —  is going to change the way Uganda avails herself as a global destination by tapping into recently untapped mobile demographics and rubbing shoulders with other leading business and leisure destinations that have also adopted smart phone apps as key marketing tools. Download The Uganda Guide App from Google Play store  for free .